“Be the master of your will and the servant of your conscience.”

Maria von Ebner-Eschenbach

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Home Addiction Recovery
Addiction Recovery

True You Recovery - 'My aim is to help you become your best self. I assist people who want healthy minds and emotions to reach that goal, and work with the professionals who serve them. My specialty? Fulfilling your life purpose is my purpose.' - Addictions don't have to ruin your life

Your well-being matters, and you deserve the best life possible. John Prin offers a compassionate listening ear to help you become your true you. That’s why he established his company, True You Recovery Inc.— because when you strive to be your best self the sky’s the limit.

Personal Wholeness

John aims to serve your needs as a Recovery Coach, a Group Therapy Facilitator, or Interventionist. For family members or persons trapped in addiction, John is standing by to assist you. He also helps individuals and families needing addiction/recovery help find the best institutional resources that fit their needs.

John has enjoyed successful recovery from his own addictions and today his mission is to assist people who want healthy minds and emotions to live up to their potential, and to work with the professionals who serve them. His years of experience are based on the 12-Steps (AA, NA, Al-Anon), Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Positive Psychology, Existential Therapy, and other effective therapies such as Earnie Larsen’s Stage II Life Management Program.

John specializes in collaborating with clients to obtain the best fit for their needs so they can fulfill their life purpose. A client’s well-being and best interests are always his priorities.

If You Are a Counselor or Therapist...

Road to Recovery

Make your job easier – consult with John!

John is a proven collaborator and partner. True You Recovery’s books and seminars assist anyone in the counseling, social work, and psychotherapy fields. You will find John Prin's ideas, theories, and practical advice beneficial to your practice and motivational for your clients. John is approachable and easy to talk to.


If You Are a Client or Family Member...

Praying for Recovery

Get the helpful resources that may save your life.

Do you or someone you know struggle on the losing end of drug or alcohol addiction? There is hope—and there is help. John Prin works directly with you to begin your journey to better health. Or, if you are a family member seeking guidance and answers, John can arrange an intervention or just calm your nerves.


Learn the Secrets of Secret Keepers®

This is your chance to help your clients break free from keeping unhealthy secrets. Do you often sense that you hear only what your clients want to tell you? Maybe they won't answer certain questions, or always have an excuse for not taking responsibility. John helps you crack the “code” of these persons so you and develop the skills to address these clients and add to your capabilities.


Take the Secret Keepers® Quiz

Secret Keepers® Book

Are Your Secrets Eating You Alive?

Do you or someone you know steal hours away from an otherwise productive life? Secret Keepers®, often hard-working professionals or family members who are high functioning publicly, struggle in bondage to deeply held secret behaviors or passions unknown to anybody. A former Secret Keeper himself, John offers the help you need.


Take the Secret Keepers® Quiz

Secret Keepers® Book