“The capacity for people to be good makes democracy desirable; the capacity for people to be evil makes democracy necessary.”

Reinhold Niebuhr, Theologian

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Home Testimonials


John is passionate about his work and helping others. His warm and engaging personality immediately creates a sense of trust with others. His ability to listen carefully and completely further builds that trust and fosters valuable and helpful relationships. He has developed significant expertise in areas of recovery and addiction and has provided valuable insights to the professional community as well as to clients and readers about aspects of addiction and recovery. I look forward to seeing what's next.
Harry Cunliffe
Founder of Two Wolves and Recovery Immersion, Minneapolis, MN
“John Prin is a superb therapist and an expert in addiction recovery. As a nationally recognized counselor, author and speaker, he helps move people through life’s challenges to become healthy and whole in mind, body and spirit. John works with clients to help them reconnect with their own inner wisdom and to rediscover those powerful moments of choice out of which lasting change grows. He projects a rare intensity and inspiring energy around fulfilling other people’s dreams. Highly recommended!”
Chris Naylor, MA
President, B.Better Success Coaching, LLC, Wayzata, MN
I have been working with John on different ventures for about 4 years. I have listened to his lectures, partnered with John on seminars, and we have worked together in finding help for people afflicted with substance dependence disorders. I enjoy working with John because he is so passionate about helping people find hope and healing from their afflictions. He is truly a very spiritually-driven individual whose life purpose is touching lives.
Scott Paul, LADC, Rule 25 Qualified Assessor
New Beginnings at Waverly
John's "Personal Wholeness" seminar was extremely beneficial for my place right now in recovery. The connectivity with the group was outstanding. Bravo!
Female client
Hazelden Personal Wholeness Retreat
John Prin is excellent! I would sign up immediately for any of his future programs. I highly recommend him.
Male client
Hazelden Personal Wholeness Retreat
This was a fantastic seminar. John was very well prepared and knew his subject well. We all walked away with the feeling that we received 100% of his extensive knowledge about this important goal of recovery.
Female client
Hazelden Personal Wholeness Retreat
I've had the pleasure of working with John on numerous projects since the early 1990's. He's a gifted writer and a talented speaker. His passion to help others is evident in everything he does and people naturally gravitate to him. I recommend John highly.
Dan Humiston
Interactive Producer/Project Manager
Listening to John's lecture I got more than I bargained for — I was ‘stunned.’ John's ideas about secrecy, addiction, and psychology worked for me. Personally, I experienced some healing and am enjoying freedom I never had before. It took the better part of the next day for me to process and am grateful to him for it.
Heart of the Matter Lecture Series Attendee
John made you feel comfortable and let you be open and honest. He brought things out in me I was not thinking of and helped me to deal with them. I learned a lot about myself and really liked the group talks and all of the stories. Awesome job.
Adult Out-Patient CD client
This class opened my eyes to how much impact our own thoughts and actions have on our happiness. John is an animated storyteller and came out bouncing and beaming with possibilities. An excellent and pertinent course.
“Happiness” Class Student, Edina MN Adult Educ.

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